- Domain on which we will build the site:
- If you need a domain name (Please provide ABN and business details)
- Webhost Control Panel Login URL, username and password: (If we are providing hosting, please ignore this)
- WordPress Username and password (If this is a redevelopment of an existing site)
- What the website is/will be about:
- Website logo: (If you have one, Order a logo here)
- Wireframe (hand-drawn is ok) if you already have a preferred website layout:
- Section of the website that should be highlighted/draw attention:
- Please list and describe the items you would like to see on navigation menu bar:
- Items to place on the sidebar of the homepage: (if any)
- Items to place on the sidebar of the other pages: (if any)
- Items to place on the footer: (if any)
- Google Analytics code if you have it: (for us to install on site)
- Social media profile pages: (if you would like to have social media icons on site)
- Email Optin form code such as Aweber, Infusionsoft, Office Auto Pilot: (if you wants an autoresponder on the website)
- General look and feel of the website: (Please mention example websites that have similar look and feel, corporate colour (PMS) This is important to mention anything that is relevant to the site design)
- Is the content ready for your website?: (Order 10 Pages Here)
- Supply up to 20 articles with or without accompanying pictures: (For us to post on website, if any)
- What is your deadline for finishing the site?:
Section 2: If we are re-building an existing site
- Webhost Control Panel Login URL, username and password:
- Domain name – registry details Login URL, username and password: (if hosting with us)
- What are your top 3 frustrations with your current website?:
- What do you like most about your current website?:
- What do your current competitors website have that you aspire to?:
- What other websites do you like and why?:
This web brief determines the scope of the project. For any additions to the website that have not been mentioned here, please ask your project manager as it may fall under additional hourly rates.
- Your Business/Site Name:
- Is this a new website?: (yes/no)
- Is this an existing site rebuild?: (yes/no) (if yes, see section 2)
- Do you already have a domain? What is your URL?:
- If you need a domain name (Please provide ABN and business details)
- Describe the business/products/services you offer?:
- Who are your main competitors? How do you differ?:
- Website logo: (If you have one, Order a logo here)
- Please list and describe the items you would like to see on navigation menu bar:
- Do you have special features in mind?:
- Is the content ready for your website?: (Order 10 Pages Here)
- What Template did you choose? (Select Template here):
- Do you want to change colours in the template? If yes! What Colours?
- Supply up to 10 articles with or without accompanying pictures: (For us to post on website)
- Please attach any other supporting word.doc/files/ideas/layout/other (if any):
- What is your deadline for finishing the site?:
Section 2: If we are re-building an existing site
- What are your top 3 frustrations with your current website?:
- What do you like most about your current website?:
- What do your current competitors website have that you aspire to?:
- What other websites do you like and why?:
This web brief determines the scope of the project. For any additions to the website that have not been mentioned here, please ask your project manager as it may fall under additional hourly rates.